We are all usually aware that excess Chlorine needs to be filtered out of water to prevent many health risks. Drinking heavily chlorine-contaminated water has many harmful effects on health like increased risk of cancer, can cause cell damage and increases the risk of asthma. Chlorine water is also known to destroy the very useful gut bacteria that help in maintaining gut health. The effects of chlorine as especially high on children and utmost care is required. Most of us are aware about this and take relevant measures, but do you know what Fluoride does to the body?
Water fluoridation is a process in which Fluoride, an inorganic element is added to drinking water. Fluoride is known for its properties of helping against tooth decay and in remineralization. Fluoride is used topically at higher concentrations to prevent dental caries. Water fluoridation dates back to 1950s when it was first started. Tooth decay is a common problem in Australia and hence this was a universal measure to reduce the incidences.
While as a whole this is considered as a safe and ethical practice to prevent the incidences of tooth decay, it does not come without any risk. Most of the risks are possible after long term ingestion of Fluoride, mostly at higher concentrations. While it is safe overall, one should always measure out the risks associated, especially when it comes to health of the family.
‘Many epidemiological studies of possible adverse effects of the long-term ingestion of fluoride via drinking-water have been carried out. These studies clearly establish that fluoride primarily produces effects on skeletal tissues (bones and teeth).
However, fluoride can also have an adverse effect on tooth enamel and may give rise to mild dental fluorosis (prevalence: 12–33%) at drinking-water concentrations between 0.9 and 1.2 mg/litre (Dean, 1942); the period of greatest susceptibility is at the time of mineralization of the secondary upper central incisor teeth at about 22–26 months of age.
Elevated fluoride intakes can also have more serious effects on skeletal tissues. Skeletal fluorosis (with adverse changes in bone structure) may be observed when drinking-water contains 3–6 mg of fluoride per litre.’
It is also known that persons with renal problems are more susceptible to health risks of Fluoride ingestion through drinking water. These are the few problems and health risks associated with long-term Fluoride ingestion through drinking water.
With increasing health awareness and importance of good quality drinking water, it is extremely important to understand the possible effects of drinking direct tap water and deciding what is best for you and your family. Drinking pure and healthy water adequately is a major contributor towards good health. Awesome water filters, filter out high quantities of Chlorine, Fluoride, Trihalomethanes, Organic Sediments along with many heavy metals including Iron, Nickel, Lead and Chromium, high amounts of which can cause intoxication and severe health effects. Awesome water filters also treat water of harmful Bacteria, Algae and Fungi.
Explore great options of high quality genuine awesome water filters. Call us for any help and friendly advice in selecting your awesome water filter today.
Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
Medical News Today - Why do we have Fluoride in our water?
Murray JJ, ed. (1986) Appropriate use of fluorides for human health. Geneva, World Health Organization.